Equip your kitchen with the industry’s most durable all-in-one kitchen display system (KDS). A digital order viewer that replaces paper tickets and kitchen printers.

Cost Saving
Replace paper tickets and kitchen printers with this digital viewer. Long-term saving cost with no chits needed lower variable costs.
Reduce Mistake
Replace handwritten, or verbal tickets and reduce human error.
Time Saving
Monitor time needed to prepare and finish an order for better order estimation time. Tracking kitchen ticket time to improve turnaround. Allows for better focus on completing orders, first in first complete.

Kitchen Display System
Equip your kitchen with the industry’s most durable all-in-one kitchen display system (KDS)
Helping businesses to protect profits and lower wastage, improving overall experience and raise profitability at the same.
Sample Illustration
Kitchen Display System (SP-650)
Helping businesses to protect profits and lower wastage, improving overall experience and raise profitability at the same.

Kitchen Display System
Replace handwritten or verbal tickets and reduce human error, all while monitoring the time it takes to prepare each dish. Minimize errors in orders.
Kitchen Display System
Tracking kitchen ticket time to improve turnaround. Allows for better focus on new orders effectively. Fully integrated POS for seamless flow

Kitchen Display System Workflow